Last week when I had visitors over they asked me to take them to Karama to buy fake designer handbags.
I had previously been to Karama for bags a couple of years ago and it was very strange. Back then I was searching for a Chanel handbag and rather than spend 10 thousand dirhams on a real one I decided to get one from Karama. I searched in a lot of shops and did not see any Chanel bags so I asked one of the assistants and he told me to go upstairs.
Now I thought that the shop continued onto the next floor but when I got up there it was an empty room. I was with other people but if I had been on my own I would have been running back down the stairs. The assistant then led us to a door which we had to crouch down to get through, then another room, until we reached a door which he unlocked and let us in. Surprisingly it was bag heaven!
I quickly chose the Chanel bag I wanted, haggled, then left. It was strange!
I decided to take my visitors to the same shop when we went to Karama. However this time when I asked for Chanel he said 'OK follow me.' To which I replied, 'Not upstairs?' He said 'No no another place.'
As there were 6 of us we followed the sales assistant through the backstreets of Karama! We then went into an apartment block. At this point one of the people I was with was very reluctant to get into the lift, as they were scared. However as the lift opened a group of people got out with bags they had just bought so we went in.
The lift itself was scary and the floor numbers were upside-down. Yet we still went on. We reached the second floor and the assistant led us down a narrow corridor to an apartment, he unlocked it and when we went in it was full of designer bags. It was amazing!
We quickly picked out which bags we wanted. I got a Prada bag whilst I was there, as I had decided I would never return there again so I might as well buy now.
Although the bags are fake they are in a really good condition. They copy the originals perfectly. I have come to know that 99% of people in Dubai carry a fake designer bag and nobody can tell the difference!
In the Karama shops they also sell other fake, watches etc I don't know how the police haven't closed down these shops already?
I had previously been to Karama for bags a couple of years ago and it was very strange. Back then I was searching for a Chanel handbag and rather than spend 10 thousand dirhams on a real one I decided to get one from Karama. I searched in a lot of shops and did not see any Chanel bags so I asked one of the assistants and he told me to go upstairs.
Now I thought that the shop continued onto the next floor but when I got up there it was an empty room. I was with other people but if I had been on my own I would have been running back down the stairs. The assistant then led us to a door which we had to crouch down to get through, then another room, until we reached a door which he unlocked and let us in. Surprisingly it was bag heaven!
I quickly chose the Chanel bag I wanted, haggled, then left. It was strange!
I decided to take my visitors to the same shop when we went to Karama. However this time when I asked for Chanel he said 'OK follow me.' To which I replied, 'Not upstairs?' He said 'No no another place.'
As there were 6 of us we followed the sales assistant through the backstreets of Karama! We then went into an apartment block. At this point one of the people I was with was very reluctant to get into the lift, as they were scared. However as the lift opened a group of people got out with bags they had just bought so we went in.
The lift itself was scary and the floor numbers were upside-down. Yet we still went on. We reached the second floor and the assistant led us down a narrow corridor to an apartment, he unlocked it and when we went in it was full of designer bags. It was amazing!
We quickly picked out which bags we wanted. I got a Prada bag whilst I was there, as I had decided I would never return there again so I might as well buy now.
Although the bags are fake they are in a really good condition. They copy the originals perfectly. I have come to know that 99% of people in Dubai carry a fake designer bag and nobody can tell the difference!
In the Karama shops they also sell other fake, watches etc I don't know how the police haven't closed down these shops already?
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