Thursday, January 24, 2013

My Roaccutane adventure

This time last year I began taking the medication Roaccutane for my acne. I had really bad skin and covered it up with make-up all the time. I never left the house without make-up on. The make-up was not much help, it only covered the redness of the spots but I still had large bumps on my face.
Roaccutane was an adventure and my mood was like a roller coaster! If you know about Roaccutane then you will know the serious side effects related to it, including suicide. Alhamdullillah I did not get depressed however I did have a lack of patience and was constantly getting easily irritated. I made everyone around me aware that I was taking the medication so they knew why I was acting the way I was.

At first my skin and lips went very dry. I suffered from dry eyes and had to stay off work for a few days. I had bad breakouts for a few weeks. Then my skin started to get clearer and I became used to the dryness.
I had to have blood tests every month and each time my cholesterol got dangerously higher. But I did not quit as all I could focus on was clear skin!

After 8 months I stopped taking Roaccutane. My skin has had no spots at all! It's so clear and there are no red marks. My skin is now very thin so it will take a few months to completely heal and I am not allowed any facials. Inshallah my skin stays clear!

I have been going out without any make-up on and it feels amazing! I have not left the house for 10 years without make-up so this is the best thing ever!

For the ten or more years I had acne I went to several doctors to try and get rid of it- they gave me creams, antibiotics etc etc Nothing worked. After much research I decided to take Roaccutane and it worked! I only know it worked because I prayed Salaht Al Istikhara which I had not done before taking any other acne treatments. This post is just a reminder to myself that I should thank Allah, keep faith in Him and never give up!
So it's been a year since I started the Roaccutane journey and I am so happy with the results!
Cupcakes for everyone!

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